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- Altermatt F & Alther R. 2024. Die einzigartige Biodiversität des Grundwassers braucht mehr Beachtung. Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT): Carte Blanche. link
- Eawag und WSL (Hrsg.) 2024. Blau-grüne Biodiversität erkennen, erhalten und fördern. Erkenntnisse aus der Forschungsinitiative «Blue-Green Biodiversity». 56 S. pdf
- Altermatt F, Güsewell S & Holderegger R. 2024. Biodiversität zwischen Wasser und Land: Exkursionen zu Gewässern, Mooren und Auen der Schweiz. Haupt Verlag, Bern. Order the book
- Widmer I, Mühlethaler R, Baur B, Gonseth Y, Guntern J, Klaus G, Knop E, Lachat T, Moretti M, Pauli D, Pellissier L & Altermatt F. 2021. Insektenvielfalt in der Schweiz: Bedeutung, Trends, Handlungsoptionen. Swiss Academies Reports 16 (9). DOI: pdf Deutsch | pdf Französisch
- Pawlowski J, Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L, Mächler E & Altermatt F. 2020: Environmental DNA applications in biomonitoring and bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems. Guidelines. Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN/BAFU), Bern. Environmental Studies. no. 2010: 71 pp. pdf English | pdf Deutsch | pdf Französisch
- Altermatt F. 2020. Die ökologische Funktion der Gewässerräume. Umweltrecht in der Praxis: 51–67. pdf Vereinigung für Umweltrecht (VUR)
- Carraro L, Altermatt F, Fronhofer EA, Furrer R, Gounand I, Rinaldo A & Bertuzzo E. 2019. OCNet: Optimal Channel Networks. R-package version 0.1.1,
- Altermatt F, Alther R, Fišer C & Švara V. 2019. Amphipoda (Flohkrebse) der Schweiz: Checkliste, Bestimmung und Atlas. Fauna Helvetica 32. Info fauna CSCF, Neuchâtel. 392 pp. Order the book
- Wüthrich R. & Altermatt F. 2019. Aquatische Monitoringprogramme NAWA und BDM. Synergien, Strategien und Visionen. Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU. Bern, Schweiz. 74 pp.
- Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz (Ed.) 2019. Insektenschwund in der Schweiz und mögliche Folgen für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. Autoren: Altermatt F, Baur B, Gonseth Y, Knop E, Mitchell E, Pasinelli G, Pauli D, Pellissier L & Widmer I. Faktenblatt SCNAT. 7 pp. pdf
- Benateau S, Gaudard A, Stamm C & Altermatt F. 2019. Climate change and freshwater ecosystems: Impacts on water quality and ecological status. Hydro-CH2018 Project. Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). Bern, Switzerland. 110 pp. DOI: 10.5167/uzh-169641 pdf
- Klaiber J, Altermatt F, Birrer S, Chittaro Y, Dziock F, Gonseth Y, Hoess R, Keller D, Küchler H, Luka H, Manzke U, Müller A, Pfeiffer MA, Roesti C, Schlegel J, Schneider K, Sonderegger P, Walter T, Holderegger R & Bergamini A. 2017. Fauna Indicativa. WSL Berichte 54: 192 pp. pdf
- Altermatt F & Scheidegger A. 2016. Schmetterlinge. In: Der Pfäffikersee: Naturperle an Zürichs östlichem Agglomerationsrand und dauerhaft schützenswerter Lebensraum. Hrsg. Ott E & Spillmann J. Neujahrsblatt der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich NGZH 218: 105-116. pdf
- Fischer M, Altermatt F, Arlettaz R, Bartha B, Baur B, Bergamini A, Bersier L-F, Birrer S, Braunisch V, Dollinger P, Eggenberg S, Guisan A, Guntern J, Gutscher H, Herzog F, Humbert J-Y, Jenny M, Klaus G, Körner C, Krättli H, Küchler M, Lachat T, Lambelet C, Leuzinger Y, Linder P, Mitchell EAD, Pasinelli G, Pauli D, Pfiffner L, Praz C, Rixen C, Rübel A, Schaffner U, Scheidegger C, Schmid H, Schnyder N, Stöcklin J, Walter T & Zumbach S. 2015. Zustand der Biodiversität in der Schweiz 2014. Hrsg.: Forum Biodiversität Schweiz et al. 96 pp. pdf’s in German and French
- SwissLepTeam (Aistleitner U, Albrecht M, Altermatt F, Artmann G, Bolt D, Bryner R, Fluri M, Fritsch D, Grimm K, Guenin R, Hächler M, Hättenschwiler P, Joos R, Kaltenbach T, Keller W, Kopp A, Landry B, Merz B, Reser L, Sauter W, Schmid J, Sonderegger P, Whitebread S and H-P Wymann). 2010. Lepidoptera: Checklist [Lepidoptera of Switzerland: a systematic checklist]. Fauna Helvetica 25. CSCF/SEG, Neuchâtel. 349 pp.
- Walter T, Klaus G, Altermatt F, Ammann P, Birrer S, Boller B, Capt S, Gonseth Y, Grünig A, Homburger H, Jacot K, Kleijer G, Köhler C, Kohler F, Kreis H, Loser E, Lüscher A, Meyer A, Murbach F, Rechsteiner C, Scheidegger C, Schilperoord P, Schierscher B, Schmid H, Schnyder N, Senn-Irlet B, Suter D, Vogel S, Zbinden N and Zumbach S. 2010. Landwirtschaft. Pages 64–122 in Lachat T, Pauli D, Gonseth Y, Klaus G, Scheidegger C, Vittoz P and T Walter, editors. Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz seit 1900–Ist die Talsohle erreicht? Haupt/Forum Biodiversität Schweiz, Bern.
- Altermatt F, Fritsch D, Huber W and S Whitebread. 2006. Die Gross-Schmetterlingsfauna der Region Basel [The Macrolepidoptera fauna of the Basel region]. EGB, Basel, 423 pp.
Peer-reviewed Articles
- Freeman EC, Peller T & Altermatt F. 2025. Ecosystem ecology needs an ecology of molecules. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. pdf
- Delić T, Di Batista Borko S, Premate E, Rexhepi B, Alther R, Knüsel M, Malard F, Weber D, Stoch F, Flot J-F, Fišer C & Altermatt F. 2025. Phylogenetic origin of morphologically cryptic species shapes co-occurrence and sympatry patterns. Freshwater Biology 70: e70000. pdf
- Cereghetti E, Bossart R, Bruder A, Krähenbühl A, Wolf F & Altermatt F. 2025. The year of a leaf: tracking the fate of leaf litter and its nutrients during aquatic decomposition and consumption. Ecology 106: e4520. pdf
- Mayor S, Altermatt F, Crowther TW, Hordijk I, Oehri J, Chacko MR, Schaepman ME, Schmid B & Niklaus PA. 2025. Landscape diversity promotes landscape functioning in North America. Communications Earth & Environment 6: 25. pdf
- Giacomuzzo E, Peller T, Gounand I & Altermatt F. 2024. Ecosystem size mediates the effects of resource flows on species diversity and ecosystem function at different scales. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70709. pdf
- Di Lorenzo T, Lunghi E, Aanei C, Altermatt F, Alther R, Amorim IR, Băncilă RI, Bellvert A, Blomberg A, Borges PAV, Brad T, Brancelj A, Brankovits D, Cardoso P, Cerasoli F, Chauveau CA, Crespo L, Csader M, Delić T, Di Cicco M, Douady CJ, Duchemin L, Faille A, Fiasca B, Fišer C, Flot J-F, Gabriel R, Galassi DMP, Garzoli L, Griebler C, Karwautz C, Kenesz MI, Konecny-Dupré L, Lilley T, Malard F, Martínez A, Meierhofer MB, Messana G, Millán A, Mizerakis V, Mori N, Nanni V, Nicolosi G, Oromí P, Pallarés S, Pereira F, Reboleira ASPS, Saccò M, Salussolia A, Sánchez-Fernández D, Sarbu SM, S̗tefan A, Stoch F, Di Camillo AT, Taiti S, Vaccarelli I, Valanne V, Zagmajster M, Zakšek V, Zittra C, Mammola S. 2024. EU needs groundwater ecosystems guidelines. Science 386: 1103. link pdf
- Ho H-C & Altermatt F. 2024. Predicted community consequences of spatially explicit global change-induced processes on plant-insect networks. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70272. pdf
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Couton M & Altermatt F. 2024. Temporal consistency and spatial variability in detection: implications for monitoring of macroinvertebrates from shallow groundwater aquifers. Subterranean Biology 49: 139–161. pdf
- Alther R, Cerroti F, Cereghetti E, Krähenbühl A & Altermatt F. 2024. Generalization of a density-dependent ecosystem function in dominant aquatic macroinvertebrates. Oikos 2024: e10774. pdf
- Adde A, Külling N, Rey P-L, Fopp F, Brun P, Broenimann O, Lehmann A, Petitpierre B, Zimmermann NE, Pellissier L, Altermatt F & Guisan A. 2024. Projecting untruncated climate change effects on species’ climate suitability: insights from an alpine country. Global Change Biology 30: e17557. pdf
- Blackman RC, Weiss B & Altermatt F. 2024. Drivers of spatio-temporal variation in organic matter decomposition across a river network. Ecological Indicators 166: 112502. pdf
- Foulquier A, Datry T, Corti R, von Schiller D, Tockner K, Stubbington R, Gessner MO, Boyer F, Ohlmann M, Thuiller W, Rioux D, Miquel C, Albariño R, Allen DC, Altermatt F, Arce MI, Arnon S, Banas D, Banegas-Medina A, Beller E, Blanchette ML, Blessing J, Boëchat IG, Boersma K, Bogan M, Bonada N, Bond N, Brintrup K, Bruder A, Burrows R, Cancellario T, Canhoto C, Carlson S, Cid N, Cornut J, Danger M, de Freitas Terra B, De Girolamo AM, del Campo R, Díaz Villanueva V, Dyer F, Elosegi A, Febria C, Figueroa Jara R, Four B, Gafny S, Gómez R, Gómez-Gener L, Guareschi S, Gücker B, Hwan J, Jones JI, Kubheka PS, Laini A, Langhans SD, Launay B, Le Goff G, Leigh C, Little C, Lorenz S, Marshall J, Martin Sanz EJ, McIntosh A, Mendoza-Lera C, Meyer EI, Miliša M, Mlambo MC, Morais M, Moya N, Negus P, Niyogi D, Pagán I, Papatheodoulou A, Pappagallo G, Pardo I, Pařil P, Pauls SU, Polášek M, Rodríguez-Lozano P, Rolls RJ, Sánchez-Montoya MM, Savić A, Shumilova O, Sridhar KR, Steward A, Taleb A, Uzan A, Valladares Y, Vander Vorste R, Waltham NJ, Zak DH, Zoppini A. 2024. Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers. Nature Communications 15: 7233. pdf
- Knüsel M, Alther R & Altermatt F. 2024. Terrestrial land use signals on groundwater fauna beyond current protection buffers. Ecological Applications 34: e3040. pdf
- Oester R, Altermatt F & Bruder A. 2024. Riparian forests shape trophic interactions in detrital stream food webs. Functional Ecology 38: 2196–2206. pdf
- Knüsel M, Alther R., Locher N, Ozgul A, Fišer C & Altermatt F. 2024. Systematic and highly resolved modeling of biodiversity in inherently rare groundwater amphipods. Journal of Biogeography 51: 2094–2108. pdf
- Bizzozzero MR, Altermatt F, Cicciarella R, Walser J-C, Willems EP & Krützen M. 2024. Enhancing environmental DNA metabarcoding from marine ecosystems: Impact of filter type, storage method, and storage time on assessment of fish alpha and beta diversity. Environmental DNA 6: e570. pdf
- Perry W, Seymour M, Orsini L, Jâmes I, Milner N, Edwards f, Harvey R, de Bruyn M, Bista I, Walsh K, Emmett B, Blackman R, Altermatt F, Lawson Handley L, Mächler K, Deiner K, Bik H, Carvalho G, Volbourne J, Cosby J, Durance I, Creer S. 2024. An integrated spatio-temporal view of riverine biodiversity using environmental DNA metabarcoding. Nature Communications 15: 4372. pdf
- Stoch F, Knüsel M, Zakšek V, Alther R, Salussolia A, Altermatt F, Fišer C, Flot J-F. 2024. Integrative taxonomy of the groundwater amphipod Niphargus bihorensis Schellenberg, 1940 reveals a species-rich clade. Contributions to Zoology 93: 371–95. pdf
- Perrelet K, Moretti M, Dietzel A, Altermatt F & Cook L. 2024. Engineering blue-green infrastructure for and with biodiversity in cities. npj Urban Sustainability 4: 27. pdf
- Peller T, Gounand I & Altermatt F. 2024. Resource flow network structure drives meta-ecosystem function. American Naturalist 204: 546–560. pdf
- Knüsel M, Alther F & Altermatt F. 2024. Pronounced changes of subterranean biodiversity patterns along a Late Pleistocene glaciation gradient. Ecography 2024: 07321. pdf
- Blackman RC, Cereghetti E, Couton M, Keck G, Kirschner D, Carraro L, Brantschen J, Bossart R, Perrelet R, Zhang Y & Altermatt F. 2024. Environmental DNA: the next chapter. Molecular Ecology 33: e17355. pdf
- Carraro L & Altermatt F. 2024. eDITH: an R-package to spatially project eDNA-based biodiversity across river networks with minimal prior information. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15: 806–815. pdf
- Brantschen J, Fopp F, Keck F., Guisan A, Pellissier L & Altermatt F. 2024. Habitat suitability models reveal the spatial signal of environmental DNA in riverine networks. Ecography 2024: e07267. pdf
- Jeevannavar A, Narwani A, Matthews B, Spaak P, Brantschen J, Mächler E, Altermatt F, Tamminen M. 2024. Foundation species stabilize an alternative eutrophic state in nutrient disturbed ponds via selection on microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology 15:1310374. pdf
- Peller T & Altermatt F. 2024. Invasive species drive cross-ecosystem effects worldwide. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8: 1087–1097. pdf
- Talluto M, del Campo R, Estévez E, Altermatt F, Datry T & Singer G. 2024. Towards (better) fluvial meta-ecosystem ecology: a research perspective. npj Biodiversity 3: 3. pdf
- Mammola S, Altermatt F, Alther R, Amorim IR, Băncilă RI, Borges PAV, Brad T, Brankovits D, Cardoso P, Cerasoli F, Chauveau CA, Delić T, Di Lorenzo T, Faille A, Fišer C, Flot J-F, Gabriel R, Galassi DMP, Garzoli L, Griebler C, Konecny-Dupré L, Martínez A, Mori N, Nanni V, Ogorelec Ž, Pallarés S, Salussolia A, Saccò M, Stoch F, Vaccarelli I, Zagmajster M, Zittra C, Meierhofer MB, Sánchez-Fernández D, Malard F. 2024. Perspectives and pitfalls in preserving subterranean biodiversity through protected areas. npj Biodiversity 3:2. pdf
- Stoffers T, Altermatt F, Baldan D, Bilous O, Borgwardt F, Buijse AD, Bondar-Kunze E, Cid N, Erős T, Ferreira MT, Funk A, Haidvogl G, Hohensinner S, Kowal J, Nagelkerke LAJ, Neuburg J, Peller T, Schmutz S, Singer GA, Unfer G, Vitecek S, Jähnig SC, Hein T.2024. Reviving Europe’s rivers: seven challenges in the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law to restore free-flowing rivers. WIREs Water. e1717. pdf
- Sinclair JS, Welti EAR, Altermatt F, Álvarez-Cabria M, Aroviita J, Baker NJ, Barešová L, Barquín J, Bonacina L, Bonada N, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Csabai Z, de Eyto E, Dohet A, Dörflinger G, Eriksen TE, Evtimova V, Feio MJ, Ferréol M, Floury M, Forio MAE, Fornaroli R, Goethals PLM, Heino J, Hering D, Huttunen K-L, Jähnig SC, Johnson RK, Kuglerová L, Kupilas B, L’Hoste L, Larrañaga A, Leitner P, Lorenz AW, McKie BG, Muotka T, Osadčaja D, Paavola R, Palinauskas V, Pařil P, Pilotto F, Polášek M, Rasmussen JJ, Schäfer RB, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Scotti A, Skuja A, Straka M, Stubbington R, Timm H, Tyufekchieva V, Tziortzis I, Vannevel R, Várbíró G, Velle G, Verdonschot RCM, Vray S, Haase P. 2024. Multi-decadal improvements in the ecological quality of European rivers are not consistently reflected in biodiversity metrics. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8: 430–441. pdf
- Saccò M, Mammola S, Altermatt F, Alther R, Bolpagni R, Brancelj A, Brankovits D, Fišer C, Gerovasileiou V, Griebler C, Guareschi S, Hose GC, Korbel K, Lictevout E, Malard F, Martínez A, Niemiller ML, Robertson A, Tanalgo KC, Bichuette ME, Borko Š, Brad T, Campbell MA, Cardoso P, Celico F, Cooper SJB, Culver D, Di Lorenzo T, Galassi DMP, Guzik MT, Hartland A, Humphreys WF, Ferreira RL, Lunghi E, Nizzoli D, Perina G, Raghavan R, Richards Z, Reboleira ASPS, Rohde MM, Fernández DS, Schmidt SI, van der Heyde M, Weaver L, White NE, Zagmajster M, Hogg I, Ruhi A, Gagnon MM, Allentoft ME, Reinecke R. 2024. Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem. Global Change Biology 30: e17066. pdf
- Blackman RC, Carraro L, Keck F & Altermatt F. 2024. Measuring the state of aquatic environments using eDNA — upscaling spatial resolution of biotic indices. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379: 20230121. pdf
- Van de Schoot E, Merckx T, Ebert D, Wesselingh R, Altermatt F & Van Dyck. 2024. Evolutionary change of flight-to-light behaviour in urban moths comes with changes in functional morphology. Biology Letters 20: 2023048. pdf
- Ho H-C & Altermatt F. 2024. Associating the structure of Lepidoptera-plant interaction networks across clades and life stages to environmental gradients. Journal of Biogeography 51: 725–738. pdf
- Mayor S, Allan E, Altermatt F, Isbell F, Schaepman ME, Schmid B & Niklaus PA. 2024. Diversity-functioning relationships across hierarchies of biological organization. Oikos 2024: e10225. pdf
- Fronhofer EA, Govaert L, O’Connor M, Schreiber S & Altermatt F. 2024. The shape of density dependence and the relationship between population growth, intraspecific competition and equilibrium population density. Oikos 2024: e09824. pdf
- Zong S, Brantschen J, Zhang X, Albouy C, Valentini A, Zhang H, Altermatt F & Pellissier L. 2024. Combining environmental DNA with remote sensing variables to map fish species distributions along a large river. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 10: 220–235. pdf
- Brantschen J & Altermatt F. 2024. Contrasting strengths of eDNA and electrofishing compared to historic records for assessing fish community diversity and composition. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81: 178–189. pdf
- Külling N, Adde A, Fobb F, Schweiger AK, Broennimann O, Rey P-L, Giuliani G, Goicolea T, Petitpierre B, Zimmermann NE, Pellissier L, Altermatt F, Lehmann A, & Guisan A. 2024. SWECO25: a cross-thematic raster database for ecological research in Switzerland. Scientific Data 11: 21. pdf
- Zhang Y, Zhang X, Li F & Altermatt F. 2023. Fishing eDNA in one of the world’s largest rivers: a case study of cross-sectional and depth profile sampling in the Yangtze. Environmental Science and Technology 57: 21691–21703. pdf
- Kirschner D, Zhang Y, Zhong W, Zhang X, Pellissier L & Altermatt F. 2023. Homogeneity in terrestrial land cover is reflected in fish diversity patterns in a Chinese river system. Environmental DNA 5: 1679–1690. pdf
- Schneider AS, Knüsel M & Altermatt F. 2023. Assessment of occurrence, diversity, and biomass of macroinvertebrates in Swiss groundwater systems using citizen science data. Subterranean Biology 46: 147–164. pdf
- Couton M, Studer A, Hürlemann S, Locher N, Knüsel M, Alther R & Altermatt F. 2023. Integrating citizen science and environmental DNA metabarcoding to study biodiversity of groundwater amphipods in Switzerland. Scientific Reports 13: 18097. pdf
- Haase P, Bowler DE, Baker NJ, Bonada N, Domisch S, Garcia Marquez JR, Heino J, Hering D, Jähnig SC, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Stubbington R, Altermatt F, Álvarez-Cabria M, Amatulli G, Angeler DG, Archambaud-Suard G, Jorrín IA, Aspin T, Azpiroz I, Bañares I, Ortiz JB, Bodin CL, Bonacina L, Bottarin R, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Csabai Z, Datry T, de Eyto E, Dohet A, Dörflinger G, Drohan E, Eikland KA, England J, Eriksen TE, Evtimova V, Feio MJ, Ferréol M, Floury M, Forcellini M, Forio MAE, Fornaroli R, Friberg N, Fruget J-F, Georgieva G, Goethals P, Graça MAS, Graf W, House A, Huttunen K-L, Jensen TC, Johnson RK, Jones JI, Kiesel J, Kuglerová L, Larrañaga A, Leitner P, L’Hoste L, Lizée M-H, Lorenz AW, Maire A, Arnaiz JAM, McKie BG, Millán A, Monteith D, Muotka T, Murphy JF, Ozolins D, Paavola R, Paril P, Peñas FJ, Pilotto F, Polášek M, Rasmussen JJ, Rubio M, Sánchez-Fernández D, Sandin L, Schäfer RB, Scotti A, Shen LQ, Skuja A, Stoll S, Straka M, Timm H, Tyufekchieva VG, Tziortzis I, Uzunov Y, van der Lee GH, Vannevel R, Varadinova E, Várbíró G, Velle G, Verdonschot PFM, Verdonschot RCM, Vidinova Y, Wiberg-Larsen P & Welti EAR. 2023. The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature 620: 582–588. pdf
- Reji Chacko M, Altermatt F, Fopp F, Guisan A, Keggin T, Lyet A, Rey PL, Richards E, Valentini A, Waldock C & Pellissier L. 2023. Catchment-based sampling of river eDNA integrates terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity of alpine landscapes. Oecologia 202: 699–713. pdf
- Martin P, Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F, Ferrari B & Vivien R. 2023. Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann in Oken, 1819) (Annelida, Clitellata) as a sub-cosmopolitan species: a commonly held view challenged by DNA barcoding. Zoosymposia 23: 78–93. pdf
- Harvey E, Marleau J, Gounand I, Leroux S, Firkowski C, Altermatt F, Blanchet FG, Cazelles K, Chu C, D’Aloia C, Donelle L, Gravel D, Guichard F, McCann K, Ruppert J, Ward C, Fortin M-J. 2023. A general meta-ecosystem model to predict ecosystem functions at landscape extents. Ecography 2023: e06790. pdf
- Knüsel M, Borko Š, Alther R, Salussolia A, Flot J-F, Altermatt F, Fišer C & Stoch F. 2023. Phylogenetic structure and molecular species delimitation hints a complex evolutionary history in an Alpine endemic Niphargus clade (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Zoologischer Anzeiger 307: 27–36. pdf
- Couton M, Viard F & Altermatt F. 2023. Opportunities and inherent limits of using environmental DNA for population genetics. Environmental DNA 5: 1048–1064. pdf
- Keck F, Brantschen J & Altermatt F. 2023. A combination of machine-learning and eDNA reveals the genetic signature of environmental change at the landscape levels. Molecular Ecology 32: 4791–4800. pdf
- Ho H-C, Altermatt F & Carrao L. 2023. Coupled biological and hydrological processes shape spatial food-web structures in riverine metacommunities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1147834. pdf
- Carraro L, Blackman RC & Altermatt F. 2023. Modelling environmental DNA transport in rivers reveals highly resolved spatio-temporal biodiversity patterns. Scientific Reports 13:8854. pdf
- Soto I, Cuthbert RN, Ricciardi A, Ahmed DA, Altermatt F, Schäfer RB, Archambaud-Suard G, Bonada N, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Csabai Z, Datry T, Dick JTA, Floury M, Forio MAE, Forcellini M, Fruget J-F, Goethals P, Haase P, Hudgins EJ, Jones JI, Kouba A, Leitner P, Lizée M-H, Maire A, Murphy JF, Ozolins D, Rasmussen JJ, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Skuja A, Stubbington R, Van der Lee GH, Vannevel R, Várbíró G, Verdonschot RCM, Wiberg-Larsen P, Haubrock PJ & Briski E. 2023. The faunal Ponto-Caspianization of central and western European waterways. Biological Invasions 25: 2613–2629. pdf
- Premate E, Borko Š, Altermatt F & Fišer C. 2023. Context-dependent evolution of high trophic position drives functional disparity in subterranean crustaceans. Functional Ecology 37: 2523–2534. pdf
- Li F, Zhang Y, Altermatt F, Yang J & Zhang X. 2023. Destabilizing effects of environmental stressors on aquatic communities and interaction networks across a major river basin. Environmental Science and Technology 57: 7828–7839. pdf
- Altermatt F, Carraro L, Antonetti M, Albouy C, Zhang Y, Lyet A, Zhang X & Pellissier L. 2023. Quantifying biodiversity using eDNA from water bodies: general principles and recommendations on sampling design. Environmental DNA 5: 671-682. pdf
- Couton M, Hürlemann S, Studer A, Alther R & Altermatt F. 2023. Groundwater environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals hidden diversity and reflects land-use and geology. Molecular Ecology 32: 3497–3512. pdf
- Grigoropoulou A, Hamid SA, Acosta R, Akindele EO, Al-Shami SA, Altermatt F, Amatulli G, Angeler DG, Arimoro FO, Aroviita J, Astorga-Roine A, Bastos RC, Bonada N, Boukas N, Brand C, Bremerich V, Bush A, Cai Q, Callisto M, Chen K, Cruz PV, Dangles O, Death R, Deng X, Domínguez E, Dudgeon D, Eriksen TE, Faria APJ, Feio MJ, Fernández-Aláez C, Floury M, García-Criado F, García-Girón J, Graf W, Grönroos M, Haase P, Hamada N, He F, Heino J, Holzenthal R, Huttunen K-L, Jacobsen D, Jähnig SC, Jetz W, Johnson RK, Juen L, Kalkman V, Kati V, Keke UN, Koroiva R, Kuemmerlen M, Langhans SD, Ligeiro R, Van Looy K, Maasri A, Marchant R, Garcia Marquez JR, Martins RT, Melo AS, Metzeling L, Miserendino ML, Moe SJ, Molineri C, Muotka T, Mustonen K-R, Mykrä H, Cavalcante do Nascimento JM, Valente-Neto F, Neu PJ, Nieto C, Pauls SU, Paulson DR, Rios-Touma B, Rodrigues ME, de Oliveira Roque F, Salazar Salina JC, Schmera D, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Shah DN, Simaika JP, Siqueira T, Tachamo-Shah RD, Theischinger G, Thompson R, Tonkin JD, Torres-Cambas Y, Townsend C, Turak E, Twardochleb L, Wang B, Yanygina L, Zamora-Muñoz C & Domisch S. 2023. The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 642–655. pdf
- Moerman F, Lustenhouwer N, Altermatt F, Bassar R, Bocedi G, Bonte D, Dey S, Fronhofer EA, Garcez de Rocha E, Giometto A, Lancaster L, Prather Jr. R, Saastamoinen M, Travis J, Urquhart C, Weiss-Lehman C, Williams J, Börger L, & Berger D. 2023. Experimental evolution of dispersal: unifying theory, experiments and natural systems. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1113–1123. pdf
- Guntern J, Altermatt F, Seehausen O, Stamm C & van der Heijden M. 2023. Auswirkungen übermässiger Stickstoff- und Phosphoreinträge auf die Biodiversität. URP Umweltrecht in der Praxis. 2022-7: 735–752. pdf
- Adde A, Rey P-L, Fopp F, Petitpierre B, Schweiger AK, Broennimann O, Lehmann A, Zimmermann NE, Altermatt F, Pellissier L & Guisan A. 2023 Too many candidates: embedded covariate selection procedure for species distribution modelling with the covsel R package. Ecological Informatics 75: 102080. pdf
- Boschman LM, Carraro L, Cassemiro FAS, de Vries J, Altermatt F, Hagen O, Hoorn C & Pellissier L. 2023. South American freshwater fish diversity shaped by Andean uplift since the Late Cretaceous. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: 2037–2044. pdf
- Zhang H, Mächler E, Morsdorf F, Niklaus PA, Schaepman ME & Altermatt F. 2023. A spatial fingerprint of land-water linkage of biodiversity uncovered by remote sensing and environmental DNA. Science of the Total Environment 867: 161365. pdf
- Cereghetti E & Altermatt F. 2023. Spatio-temporal dynamics in freshwater amphipod assemblages are associated with surrounding terrestrial land use type. Ecosphere 14: e4469. pdf
- Adde A, Rey PL, Brun P, Külling N, Fopp F, Altermatt F, Broennimann O, Lehmann A, Petitpierre B, Zimmermann N, Pellissier L, Guisan A. 2023. N-SDM: a high-performance computing pipeline for Nested Species Distribution Modelling. Ecography 2023: e0645. pdf
- Keck F, Couton M & Altermatt F. 2023. Navigating the seven challenges of taxonomic reference databases in metabarcoding analyses. Molecular Ecology Resources 23: 742–755. pdf
- Blackman RC, Walser J-C, Rüber L, Brantschen J, Villalba S, Brodersen J, Seehausen O & Altermatt F. 2023. General principles for assignment of communities from eDNA: open versus closed taxonomic databases. Environmental DNA 5: 326–342. pdf
- Soto I, Cuthbert RN, Ahmed DA, Kouba A, Domisch S, Marquez JRG, Beidas A, Amatulli G, Kiesel J, Shen LQ, Florencio M, Lima H, Briski E, Altermatt F, Archambaud-Suard G, Borza P, Csabai Z, Datry T, Floury M, Forcellini M, Fruget J-F, Leitner P, Lizée M-H, Maire A, Ricciardi A, Schäfer RB, Stubbington R, Van der Lee GH, Várbíró G, Verdonschot RCM, Haase P & Haubrock PJ. 2023. Tracking a killer shrimp: Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across Europe. Diversity and Distributions 29: 157–172. pdf
- McFadden I, Sendek A, Brosse M, Bach P, Baity-Jesi M, Bolliger J, Bollmann K, Brockerhoff E, Donati G, Gebert F, Ghosh S, Ho H-S, Khaliq I, Lever JJ, Logar I, Moor H, Odermatt D, Pellissier L, Jardim de Queiroz L, Rixen C, Schuwirth N, Shipley JR, Twining C, Vitasse Y, Vorburger C, Wong M, Zimmermann N, Seehausen O, Gossner M, Matthews B, Graham C, Altermatt F & Narwani A. 2023. Linking human impacts to community processes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Ecology Letters 26: 203–218. pdf
- Peller T, Guichard F & Altermatt F. 2023. The significance of partial migration for food-web and ecosystem dynamics. Ecology Letters 26: 3–22. pdf
- Martini J, Walther F, Schenekar T, Birnstiel E, Wüthrich R, Oester R, Schindelegger B, Schwingshackl T, Wilfling O, Altermatt F, Talluto MV, Singer G & Vitecek S. 2023. The last hideout: abundance pattern of the not-quite-yet extinct mayfly Prosopistoma pennigerum (Müller, 1785) (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in the Albanian Vjosa River network. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 285–297. pdf
- Oester R, dos Reis Oliveira, Moretti MS, Altermatt F & Bruder A. 2023. Leaf-associated macroinvertebrate assemblage and leaf litter breakdown in headwater streams depend on local riparian vegetation. Hydrobiologia 850: 3359–3374. pdf
- Cote J, Dahirel M, Schtickzelle N, Altermatt F, Ansart A, Blanchet S, Chaine A, De Laender F, De Raedt J, Haegeman B, Jacob S, Kaltz O, Laurent E, Little C, Madec L, Manzi F, Masier S, Pellerin F, Pennekamp F, Therry L, Vong A, Winandy L, Bonte D, Fronhofer E & Legrand D. 2022. Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: a cross-species experiment. Ecology Letters 25: 2675–2687. pdf
- Keck F & Altermatt F. 2023. Management of DNA reference libraries for barcoding and metabarcoding studies with the R package refdb. Molecular Ecology Resources 2: 511–518. pdf
- Ho H-C, Brodersen J, Gossner MM, Graham CH, Kaeser S, Chacko MR, Seehausen O, Zimmermann NE, Pellissier L & Altermatt F. 2022. Blue and green food webs respond differently to elevation and land use. Nature Communications 13: 6415. pdf
- Alther R, Krähenbühl A, Bucher P & Altermatt F. 2022. Optimizing laboratory cultures of Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) as a study organism in environmental sciences and ecotoxicology. Science of the Total Environment 855: 158730. pdf
- Luo M, Wang S, Saavedra S, Ebert D & Altermatt F. 2022. Multispecies coexistence in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2201503119. pdf
- Fišer C, Borko Š, Delić T, Kos A, Premate E, Zagmajster M, Zakšek V & Altermatt F. 2022. The European Green Deal misses Europe’s subterranean biodiversity hotspots. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6: 1403–1404. pdf
- Sendek A, Baity-Jesi M, Altermatt F, Bader M, Liebhold AM, Turner R, Roques A, Seebens H, Spaak P, Vorburger C & EG Brockerhoff. 2022. Fewer non-native insects in freshwater than in terrestrial habitats across continents. Diversity and Distributions 28: 2303–2315. pdf
- Jacquet C, Carraro L & Altermatt F. 2022. Meta-ecosystem dynamics drive the spatial distribution of functional groups in river networks. Oikos 11: e09372. pdf
- Jardim de Queiroz L, Dönz C, Altermatt F, Alther R, Borko Š, Brodersen J, Gossner M, Graham C, Matthews B, McFadden IR, Pellissier L, Schmitt T, Selz OM, Villalba S, Rüber L, Zimmermann N & Seehausen O. 2022. Climate, immigration and speciation shape terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in the European Alps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20221020. pdf
- Brantschen J, Pellissier L, Walser JC & Altermatt F. 2022. Evaluation of primer pairs for eDNA-based assessment of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera across a biogeographically diverse region. Environmental DNA 4: 1356–1368. pdf
- Parreno A, Petchey A, Chapman M, Altermatt F, Backhaus N, Deplazes Zemp A, Horgan K, Niklaus P, Mihaljević M, Pennekamp F, Santos MJ, Schaepman M, Schmid B, Weber de Melo V, Zuppinger Dingley D & O Petchey. 2022. How puzzles are shaping our understanding of biodiversity: A call for more research into biodiversity representation in educational games. GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 31: 139-145. pdf
- Carraro L & Altermatt F. 2022. Optimal Channel Networks accurately model ecologically-relevant geomorphological features of branching river networks. Communications Earth & Environment 9: 125. pdf
- Keck F, Hürlemann S, Locher N, Stamm C, Deiner K & Altermatt F. 2022. A triad of kicknet sampling, eDNA metabarcoding, and predictive modeling to assess aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6: 117–131. pdf
- Olive M, Moerman F, Fernandez Cassi X, Altermatt F & Kohn T. 2022. Removal of waterborne viruses by Tetrahymena pyriformis is virus-specific and coincides with changes in protist swimming speed. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 4062–4070. pdf
- Li F, Zhang Y, Altermatt F, Zhang X, Cai Y, Yang Z. 2022. Gap analysis for DNA-based biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems in China. Ecological Indicators 137: 108732. pdf
- Gebert F, Obrist MK, Siber R, Altermatt F, Bollmann K & Schuwirth N. 2022. Recent trends in stream macroinvertebrates: warm-adapted and pesticide-tolerant taxa increase in richness. Biology Letters 18: 20210513. pdf
- Borko Š, Altermatt F, Zagmajster M & Fišer C. 2022. A hotspot of groundwater amphipod diversity on a crossroad of evolutionary radiations. Diversity and Distributions 28: 2765–2777. pdf
- Blackman RC, Ho HC, Walser JC & Altermatt F. 2022. Spatio-temporal patterns of multi-trophic biodiversity and food-web characteristics uncovered across a river catchment using environmental DNA. Communications Biology 5:259. pdf
- Keck F, Blackman RC, Bossart R, Brantschen J, Couton M, Hürlemann S, Kirschner D, Locher N, Zhang H & Altermatt F. 2022. Meta-analysis shows both congruence and complementarity of DNA and eDNA metabarcoding to traditional methods for biological community assessment. Molecular Ecology 31: 1820–1835. pdf
- Blackman RC, Brantschen J, Walser JC, Wüthrich R & Altermatt F. 2022. Monitoring invasive alien macroinvertebrate species with environmental DNA. River Research and Applications 38: 1400–1412. pdf
- Brosse M, Benateau S, Gaudard A, Stamm C & Altermatt F. 2022. The importance of indirect effects of climate change adaptations on Alpine and pre-Alpine freshwater systems. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12127. pdf
- Holenstein K, Harvey E & Altermatt F. 2022. Patch size distribution affects species invasion dynamics in dendritic network. Oikos 2022: e08679. pdf
- Moerman F, Fronhofer EA, Altermatt F & Wagner A. 2022. Selection on growth rate and local adaptation drive genomic adaptation during experimental range expansions in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 1088–1103. pdf
- Govaert L, Gilarranz L & Altermatt F. 2021. Competition alters species’ plastic and genetic response to environmental change. Scientific Reports 11: 23518. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2021. Environmental threats we can act upon: How to use the science-policy dialogue. Gaia 30: 137. pdf
- Alther R, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2021. Dispersal behaviour and riverine network connectivity shape the genetic diversity of freshwater amphipod metapopulations. Molecular Ecology 30: 6551–6565. pdf
- Li F, Zhang Y, Altermatt F & Zhang X. 2021. Consideration of multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functions improve indices on river ecological status. Environmental Science & Technology 55: 16434–16444. pdf
- Brantschen J, Blackman RC, Walser J-C & Altermatt F. 2021. Environmental DNA gives comparable results to morphology-based indices of macroinvertebrates in a large-scale ecological assessment. PLOS One 16: e0257510. pdf
- Govaert L, Altermatt F, De Meester L, Leibold M, McPeek M, Pantel J & Urban M. 2021. Integrating fundamental processes to understand eco-evolutionary community dynamics and patterns. Functional Ecology 35: 2138–2155. pdf
- Polanco A, Richards E, Valentini A, Flueck B, Altermatt F, Brosse S, Walser J-C, Eme D, Marques V, Manel S, Albouy C, Dejean T & Pellissier L. 2021. Comparing the performance of 12S mitochondrial primers for fish environmental DNA across ecosystems. Environmental DNA 3:1113–1127. pdf
- Blackman RC, Osathanunkul M, Brantschen J, Di Muri C, Harper LR, Mächler E, Hänfling B & Altermatt F. 2021. Mapping biodiversity hotspots of fish communities in subtropical streams through environmental DNA. Scientific Reports 11:10375. pdf
- Thompson P, Hürlemann S & Altermatt F. 2021. Species interactions limit the predictability of community responses to environmental change. The American Naturalist 198: 694–705. pdf
- Pawlowski J, Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L & Altermatt F. 2021. Environmental versus extra-organismal DNA. Molecular Ecology 30: 4606–4607. pdf
- Alther R, Bongni N, Borko Š, Fišer C & Altermatt F. 2021. Citizen science approach reveals groundwater fauna in Switzerland and a new species of Niphargus (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). Subterranean Biology 39:1–31. pdf
- Mächler E, Salyani A, Walser J-C, Larsen A, Schaefli B, Altermatt F & Ceperley N. 2021. Environmental DNA simultaneously informs hydrological and biodiversity characterization of an Alpine catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25: 735–753. pdf
- Jähnig SC, Baranov V, Altermatt F, Cranston P, Friedrichs-Manthey M, Geist J, He F, Heino J, Hering D, Hölker F, Jourdan J, Kalinkat G, Kiesel J, Leese F, Maasri A, Monaghan MT, Schäfer RB, Tockner K, Tonkin JD & Domisch S. 2021. Revisiting global trends in freshwater insect biodiversity. WIREs Water 8: e1506. pdf
- Blackman RC, Altermatt F, Foulquier A, Lefébure T, Gauthier M, Leese F, & Datry T. 2021. Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic tools. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19: 574–583. pdf
- Mächler E, Walser J-C & Altermatt F. 2021. Decision making and best practices for taxonomy-free eDNA metabarcoding in biomonitoring using Hill numbers. Molecular Ecology 30: 3326–3339. pdf
- Carraro L, Stauffer J & Altermatt F. 2021. How to design optimal eDNA sampling strategies for biomonitoring in river networks. Environmental DNA 3: 157–172. pdf
- Pawlowski J, Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L & Altermatt F. 2020. Environmental (e)DNA: what’s behind the term? Clarifying the terminology and recommendations for its future use in biomonitoring. Molecular Ecology 29:4258–4264. pdf
- Li F, Altermatt F, Yang J, An S, Li A & Zhang X. 2020. Human activities’ fingerprint on multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functions across a major river catchment in China. Global Change Biology 26:6867–6879. pdf
- Carraro L, Mächler E, Wüthrich R & Altermatt F. 2020. Environmental DNA allows upscaling spatial patterns of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems. Nature Communications 11: 3585. pdf
- Alther R, Bogni N, Borko Š, Fišer C & Altermatt F. 2020. Reiche Grundwasser-Fauna: Pilotstudie fördert Artenvielfalt zutage. Aqua & Gas 100: 36–42. pdf
- Jacquet C & Altermatt F. 2020. The ghost of disturbance past: long-term effects of pulse disturbances on community biomass and composition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20200678. pdf
- Carraro L, Bertuzzo E, Fronhofer EA, Furrer R, Gounand I, Rinaldo A & Altermatt F. 2020. Generation and application of river network analogues for use in ecology and evolution. Ecology and Evolution 10: 7537–7550. pdf
- Moerman F, Fronhofer EA, Wagner A, & Altermatt F. 2020. Gene swamping alters evolution during range expansions in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila. Biology Letters 16: 20200244. pdf
- Cairns J, Moerman F., Fronhofer EA, Altermatt F & Hiltunen T. 2020. Evolution in interacting species alters predator life history traits, behavior and morphology in experimental microbial communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20200652. pdf
- Blackman RC, Bruder A, Burton FJ, Convey P, Funk WC, Jähnig SC, Kishe MA, Moretti MS, Natugonza V, Pawlowski J, Stubbington R, Zhang X Seehausen O & Altermatt F. 2020. A meeting framework for inclusive and sustainable science. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 668–671. pdf. How to do such conferences, see also here.
- Tabi A, Pennekamp F, Altermatt F, Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Horgan K, Mächler E, Pontarp M, Petchey OL & Saavedra S. 2020. Species multidimensional effects explain idiosyncratic response of communities to environmental change. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 1036–1043. pdf
- Jacquet C, Gounand I & Altermatt F. 2020. How pulse disturbances shape size-abundance pyramids. Ecology Letters 23: 1014–1023. pdf
- Matthews B, Jokkela J, Narwani A, Räsänen K, Pomati F, Altermatt F, Spaak P, Robinson CT & Vorburger C. 2020. On biological evolution and environmental solutions. Science of the Total Environment 724: 138194. pdf
- Gounand I, Little CJ, Harvey E & Altermatt F. 2020. Global quantitative synthesis of ecosystem functioning across climatic zones and ecosystem types. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 1139–1176. pdf
- Altermatt F, Little CJ, Mächler E, Wang S, Zhang X & Blackman RC. 2020. Uncovering the complete biodiversity structure in spatial networks – the example of riverine systems. Oikos 129: 607–618. pdf
- Moerman F, Arquint A, Merkli S, Wagner A, Altermatt F & Fronhofer EA. 2020. Evolution under pH stress and high population densities leads to increased density-dependent fitness in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila. Evolution 74: 573–586. pdf
- Mansfeldt C, Deiner K, Mächler E, Fenner K, Eggen R, Stamm C, Schönenberger U, Walser JC & Altermatt F. 2020. Microbial community shifts in streams receiving treated wastewater effluent. Science of the Total Environment 709: 135727. pdf
- Harvey E, Gounand I, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2020. Metaecosystem dynamics drive community composition in experimental, multi-layered spatial networks. Oikos 129: 402–412. pdf
- Little CJ, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2020. Nonlinear Effects of Intraspecific Competition Alter Landscape-Wide Scaling Up of Ecosystem Function. American Naturalist 195: 432–444. pdf
- Mächler E, Little CJ, Wüthrich R, Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Gounand I, Harvey E, Hürlemann S, Walser JC & Altermatt F. 2019. Assessing different components of diversity across a river network using eDNA. Environmental DNA 1: 290–301. pdf
- Von Schiller D, Datry T, Corti R, Foulquier A, Tockner K, Marcé R, García-Baquero G, Odriozola I, Obrador B, Elosegi A, Mendoza-Lera C, Gessner MO, Stubbington R, Albariño R, Allen DC, Altermatt F, Arce MI, Arnon S, Banas D, Banegas-Medina A, Beller E, Blanchette ML, Blanco-Libreros JF, Blessing J, Boëchat IG, Boersma KS, Bogan MT, Bonada N, Bond NR, Brintrup K, Bruder A, Burrows RM, Cancellario T, Carlson SM, Cauvy-Fraunié S, Cid N, Danger M, De Freitas Terra B, Dehedin A, De Girolamo AM, Del Campo R, Díaz-Villanueva V, Duerdoth CP, Dyer F, Faye E, Febria C, Figueroa R, Four B, Gafny S, Gómez R, Gómez-Gener L, Graça MAS, Guareschi S, Gücker B, Hoppeler F, Hwan JL, Kubheka S, Laini A, Langhans SD, Leigh C, Little CJ, Lorenz S, Marshall J, Martín EJ, Mcintosh A, Meyer EI, Miliša M, Mlambo MC, Moleón M, Morais M, Negus P, Niyogi D, Papatheodoulou A, Pardo I, Pařil P, Pešić V, Piscart C, Polášek M, Rodríguez-Lozano P, Rolls RJ, Sánchez-Montoya MM, Savić A, Shumilova O, Steward A, Taleb A, Uzan A, Vander Vorste R, Waltham N, Woelfle-Erskine C, Zak D, Zarfl C & Zoppini A. 2019. Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33: 1251–1263. pdf
- Blackman RC, Mächler E, Altermatt F, Arnold A, Beja P, Boets P, Egeter B, Elbrecht V, Filipe AF, Jones JI, Macher J, Majaneva M, Martins FMS, Múrria C, Meissner K, Pawlowski J, Schmidt Yáñez PL, Zizka VMA, Leese F, Price B & Deiner K. 2019. Advancing the use of molecular methods for routine freshwater macroinvertebrate biomonitoring – the need for calibration experiments. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 3: 49–57. pdf
- Wang S & Altermatt F. 2019. Metapopulations revisited: the area-dependence of dispersal matters. Ecology 100: e02792. pdf
- O’Connor MI, Pennell M, Altermatt F, Matthews B, Melian C & Gonzalez A. 2019. Principles of ecology revisited: integrating information and ecological theories for a more unified science. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 219. pdf
- Falniowski A, Prevorčnik S, Delić T, Alther R, Altermatt F & Hofman S. 2019. Monophyly of the Moitessieriidae Bourguignat, 1863 (Caenogastropoda: Truncatelloidea). Folia Malacologica 27: 61–70. pdf
- Little CJ, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2019. Dispersal syndromes can impact ecosystem functioning in spatially structured freshwater populations. Biology Letters 15: 20180865. pdf
- Little CJ & Altermatt F. 2019. Differential resource consumption in leaf litter mixtures by native and non-native amphipods. Aquatic Ecology 53: 151–162. pdf
- Fišer C, Delić T, Luštrik R, Zagmajster M & Altermatt F. 2019. Niches within a niche: ecological differentiation of subterranean amphipods across Europe’s interstitial waters. Ecography 42: 1212–1223. pdf
- Shumilova O, Zak D, Datry T, Von Schiller D, Corti R, Foulquier A, Obrador B, Tockner K, Altermatt F, Arce MI, Arnon S, Banas D, Banegas-Medina A, Beller E, Blanchette ML, Blanco-Libreros JF, Blessing J, Boëchat IG, Boersma K, Bogan MT, Bonada N, Bond N, Brintrup K, Bruder A, Burrows R, Cancellario T, Carlson SM, Cauvy-Fraunié S, Cid N, Danger M, De Freitas Terra B, De Girolamo AM, Del Campo R, Dyer F, Elosegi A, Faye E, Febria C, Figueroa R, Four B, Gessner MO, Gnohossou P, Gómez Cerezo R, Gómez-Gener L, Graça MaS, Guareschi S, Gücker B, Hwan JL, Kubheka S, Langhans SD, Leigh C, Little C, Lorenz S, Marshall J, Mcintosh A, Mendoza-Lera C, Meyer EI, Miliša M, Mlambo MC, Moleón M, Negus P, Niyogi D, Papatheodoulou A, Pardo I, Paril P, Pešić V, Rodríguez-Lozano P, Rolls RJ, Mar Sánchez-Montoya M, Savić A, Steward A, Stubbington R, Taleb A, Vander Vorste R, Waltham N, Zoppini A & Zarfl C. 2019. Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Global Change Biology 25: 1591–1611. pdf
- Harvey E & Altermatt F. 2019. Regulation of the functional structure of aquatic communities across spatial scales in a major river network. Ecology 100: e02633. pdf
- Burdon FJ, Munz NA, Reyes M, Focks A, Joss A, Räsänen K, Altermatt F, Eggen RIL & Stamm C. 2019. Agriculture versus wastewater pollution as drivers of macroinvertebrate community structure in streams. Science of the Total Environment 659: 1256–1265. pdf
- Harper, LR, Buxton AS, Rees HC, Bruce K, Brys R, Halfmaerten D, Read DS, Watson HV, Sayer CD, Jones EP, Priestley V, Mächler E, Múrria C, Garcés-Pastor S, Medupin C, Burgess K, Benson G, Boonham N, Griffiths RA, Lawson Handley L & Hänfling B. 2019. Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds. Hydrobiologia 826: 25–41. pdf
- Harvey E, Gounand I, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2018. Disturbance reverses classic biodiversity predictions in river-like landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20182441. pdf
- Gounand I, Little CJ, Harvey E & Altermatt F. 2018. Cross-ecosystem carbon flows connecting ecosystems worldwide. Nature Communications 9: 4825. pdf
- Fronhofer EA, Legrand D, Altermatt F, Ansart A, Blanchet S, Bonte D, Chaine A, Dahirel M, De Laender F, De Raedt J, Di Gesu L, Jacob S, Kaltz O, Laurent E, Little CJ, Madec L, Manzi F, Masier S, Pellerin F, Pennekamp F, Schtickzelle N, Therry L, Vong A, Winandy L & Cote J. 2018. Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 1859–1863. pdf
- Pennekamp F, Pontarp M, Tabi A, Altermatt F, Alther R, Choffat Y, Fronhofer EA, Ganesanandamoorthy P, Garnier A, Griffiths JI, Greene S, Horgan K, Massie TM, Mächler E, Palamara GM, Seymour M & Petchey OL. 2018. Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability. Nature 563: 109–112. pdf
- Deiner K, Lopez J, Bourne S, Holman L, Seymour M, Grey EK, Lacoursière A, Li Y, Renshaw MA, Pfrender ME, Rius M, Bernatchez L & Lodge DM. 2018. Optimising the detection of marine taxonomic richness using environmental DNA metabarcoding: the effects of filter material, pore size and extraction method. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 2: e28963. pdf
- Li F, Peng Y, Fang W, Altermatt F, Xie Y, Yang J & Zhang X. 2018. Application of environmental DNA metabarcoding for predicting anthropogenic pollution in rivers. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 11708–11719. pdf
- Lacoursière-Roussel A, Howland K, Normandeau E, Grey EK, Archambault O, Deiner K, Lodge DM, Hernandez C, Leduc N & Bernatchez L. 2018. eDNA metabarcoding as a new surveillance approach for coastal Arctic biodiversity. Ecology and Evolution 8: 7763–7777. pdf
- Little CJ & Altermatt F. 2018. Landscape configuration alters spatial arrangement of terrestrial-aquatic subsidies in headwater streams. Landscape Ecology 33: 1519–1531. pdf
- Datry T, Foulquier A, Corti R, Von Schiller D, Tockner K, Mendoza-Lera C, Clément JC, Gessner MO, Moleón M, Stubbington R, Gücker B, Albariño R, Allen DC, Altermatt F, Arce MI, Arnon S, Banas D, Banegas-Medina A, Beller E, Blanchette ML, Blanco-Libreros JF, Blessing JJ, Boëchat IG, Boersma KS, Bogan MT, Bonada N, Bond NR, Brintrup Barría KC, Bruder A, Burrows RM, Cancellario T, Canhoto C, Carlson SM, Cauvy-Fraunié S, Cid N, Danger M, De Freitas Terra B, De Girolamo AM, De La Barra E, Del Campo R, Diaz-Villanueva VD, Dyer F, Elosegi A, Faye E, Febria C, Four B, Gafny S, Ghate SD, Gómez R, Gómez-Gener L, Graça MaS, Guareschi S, Hoppeler F, Hwan JL, Jones JI, Kubheka S, Laini A, Langhans SD, Leigh C, Little CJ, Lorenz S, Marshall JC, Martín E, Mcintosh AR, Meyer EI, Miliša M, Mlambo MC, Morais M, Moya N, Negus PM, Niyogi DK, Papatheodoulou A, Pardo I, Pařil P, Pauls SU, Pešić V, Polášek M, Robinson CT, Rodríguez-Lozano P, Rolls RJ, Sánchez-Montoya MM, Savić A, Shumilova O, Sridhar KR, Steward AL, Storey R, Taleb A, Uzan A, Vander Vorste R, Waltham NJ, Woelfle-Erskine C, Zak D, Zarfl C & Zoppini A. 2018. A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways. Nature Geoscience 11: 497–503. pdf
- Pawlowski J, Kelly-Quinn M, Altermatt F, Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L, Beja P, Boggero A, Borja A, Bouchez A, Cordier T, Domaizon I, Feio MJ, Filipe AF, Fornaroli R, Graf W, Herder H, van der Hoorn B, Jones JI, Sagova-Mareckova M, Moritz C, Barquín J, Piggott JJ, Pinna M, Rimet F, Rinkevich B, Sousa-Santos C, Specchia V, Trobajo R, Vasselon V, Vitecek S, Zimmermann J, Weigand A, Leese F & Kahlert M. 2018. The future of biotic indices in the ecogenomic era: integrating DNA metabarcoding in biological assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 637–638: 1295–1310. pdf
- Song C, Altermatt F, Pearse I & Saavedra S. 2018. Structural changes within trophic levels are constrained by within-family assembly rules at lower trophic levels. Ecology Letters 21: 1221–1228. pdf
- Fišer C, Alther A, Zakšek V, Borko Š, Fuchs A & Altermatt F. 2018. Translating Niphargus barcodes from Switzerland into taxonomy with a description of two new species (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). ZooKeys 760: 113–141. pdf
- Abiven S, Altermatt F, Backhaus N, Deplazes-Zemp A, Furrer R, Korf B, Niklaus PA, Schaepman-Strub G, Schimizu K, Zuppinger-Dingley D, Petchey O & Schaepman M. 2018. Integrative research efforts at the boundary of biodiversity and global change research. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29: 215–222. pdf
- Gounand I, Harvey E, Little CJ & Altermatt F. 2018. On embedding meta-ecosystems into a socio-ecological framework. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 484–486. pdf
- Mächler E, Osathanunkul M & Altermatt F. 2018. Shedding light on eDNA: neither natural levels of UV radiation nor the presence of a filter feeder effect eDNA-based detection of aquatic organisms. PLoS One 13: e0195529. pdf
- Yamasaki E, Altermatt F, Cavender-Bares J, Schuman MC, Zuppinger-Dingley D, Garonna I, Schneider FD, Guillén-Eschribà C, van Moorsel S, Hahl T, Schmid B, Schaepman-Strub G, Schaepman ME, Shimizu KK. 2018. Genomics meets remote sensing in global change studies: monitoring and predicting phenology, evolution and biodiversity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29: 177–186. pdf
- Deplazes-Zemp A, Abiven S, Schaber P, Schaepman M, Schaepman-Strub G, Schmid B, Shimizu KK & Altermatt F. 2018. The Nagoya Protocol could backfire on the Global South. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 917–919. pdf
- Little CJ & Altermatt F. 2018. Do priority effects outweigh environmental filtering in a guild of dominant freshwater macroinvertebrates? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180205. pdf
- Little CJ & Altermatt F. 2018. Species turnover and invasion of dominant freshwater invertebrates alter biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship. Ecological Monographs 88: 461–480. pdf
- Soliveres S, Lehmann A, Boch S, Altermatt F, Carrara F, Crowther T, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Kempel A, Maynard D, Rillig M, Singh B, Trivedi P & Allan E. 2018. Intransitive competition is common across five major taxonomic groups and is driven by productivity, competitive rank and functional traits. Journal of Ecology 106: 852–864. pdf
- Alther R & Altermatt F. 2018. Fluvial network topology shapes communities of native and non-native amphipods. Ecosphere 9: e02102. pdf
- Leese F, Bouchez A, Abarenkov K, Altermatt F, Borja Á, Bruce K, Ekrem T, Čiampor Jr F, Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z, Costa FO, Duarte S, Elbrecht V, Fontaneto D, Geiger MF, Hering D, Kahlert M, Kalamujić Stroil B, Kelly M, Keskin E, Liska I, Mergen P, Meissner K, Pawlowski J, Penev L, Reyjol Y, Rotter A, Steinke D, van der Wal B, Vitecek S, Zimmermann J, Weigand AM. 2018. Why we need sustainable networks bridging countries, disciplines, cultures and generations for aquatic biomonitoring 2.0: A perspective derived from the DNAqua-Net COST Action. Advances in Ecological Research 58: 63–99. pdf
- Ryo M, Harvey E, Robinson C & Altermatt F. 2018. Nonlinear higher order abiotic interactions explain riverine biodiversity. Journal of Biogeography 45: 628–639. pdf
- Van Petegem K, Moerman F, Dahirel M, Fronhofer EA, Vandegehuchte ML, Van Leeuwen T, Wybouw N, Stoks R & Bonte D. 2018. Kin competition accelerates experimental range expansion in an arthropod herbivore. Ecology Letters 21: 225–234. pdf
- Gounand I, Harvey E, Little CJ & Altermatt F. 2018. Meta-ecosystems 2.0: rooting the theory into the field. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 36–46. pdf
- Tonkin JD, Heino J & Altermatt F. 2018. Editorial: Metacommunities in stream networks: the importance of network structure and connectivity on patterns and processes. Freshwater Biology 63: 1–5. pdf
- Tonkin JD, Altermatt F, Finn D, Heino J, Olden JD, Steffen UP & Lytle DA. 2018. The role of dispersal in river network metacommunities: patterns, processes, and pathways. Freshwater Biology 63: 141–163. pdf
- Altermatt F & Fronhofer EA. 2018. Dispersal in dendritic networks: ecological consequences on the spatial distribution of population densities. Freshwater Biology 63: 22–32. pdf
- Saastamoinen M, Bocedi G, Cote J, Legrand D, Guillaume F, Wheat CW, Fronhofer EA, Garcia C, Henry R, Husby A, Baguette M, Bonte D, Coulon A, Kokko H, Matthysen E, Niitepõld K, Nonaka E, Stevens VM, Travis JMJ, Donohue K, Bullock JM & del Mar Delgado M. 2018. Genetics of dispersal. Biological Reviews 93: 574–599. pdf
- Santschi F, Gounand I, Harvey E & Altermatt F. 2018. Leaf litter diversity and structure of microbial decomposer communities modulate litter decomposition in aquatic systems. Functional Ecology 32: 522–532. pdf
- Astegiano J, Altermatt F & Massol F. 2017. Disentangling the co-structure of multilayer interaction networks: degree distribution and module composition in two-layer bipartite networks. Scientific Reports 7: 15465. pdf
- Fronhofer EA, Gut S & Altermatt F. 2017. Evolution of density-dependent movement during experimental range expansions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 2165–2176. pdf
- Väinölä R, Vainio JK, Usjak S, Alther R, Fišer C, Altermatt F, Witt JDS. 2017. Global phylogeography of Gammarus lacustris G.O. Sars, 1864, the most widespread freshwater amphipod species. Biodiversity Journal 8: 561. pdf
- Deiner K, Bik HM, Mächler E, Seymour M, Lacoursière-Roussel A, Altermatt F, Creer S, Bista I, Lodge DM, de Vere N, Pfrender ME & Bernatchez L. Environmental DNA metabarcoding: transforming how we survey animal and plant communities. Molecular Ecology 26: 5872–5895. pdf
- Harvey E, Gounand I, Little CJ, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2017. Upstream trophic structure modulates downstream community dynamics via resource subsidies. Ecology and Evolution 7: 5724–5731. pdf
- Pennekamp F, Griffiths JI, Fronhofer EA, Seymour M, Garnier A, Altermatt F & Petchey OL. 2017. Dynamic species classification of microorganisms across time, abiotic and biotic environments–a sliding window approach. PLoS One 12: e0176682. pdf
- Giometto A, Altermatt F & Rinaldo A. 2017. Demographic stochasticity and resource autocorrelation control biological invasions in heterogeneous landscapes. Oikos 126: 1554–1563. pdf
- Harvey, Gounand I, Ward C & Altermatt F. 2017. Der Artenschutz am Scheideweg.Natur Landschaft Inside. 17: 21–25. pdf
- Massol F, Altermatt F, Gounand I, Gravel D, Leibold MA & Mouquet N. 2017. How life-history traits affect ecosystem properties: effects of dispersal in metaecosystems. Oikos 126: 532–546. pdf
- Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2017. Classical metapopulation dynamics and eco-evolutionary feedbacks in dendritic networks. Ecography 40: 1455–1466. pdf
- Gounand I, Harvey E, Ganesanandamoorthy P. & Altermatt F. 2017. Subsidies mediate interactions between communities across space. Oikos 126: 972–979. pdf
- Fronhofer EA, Nitsche N & Altermatt F. 2017. Information use shapes the dynamics of range expansions into environmental gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 400–411. pdf
- Moretti M, Dias TC, de Bello F, Altermatt F, Chown SL, Azárate FM, Bell JR, Fournier B, Hedde M, Hortal J, Ibanez S, Öckinger E, Sousa JP, Ellers J & Berg MP. 2017. Handbook of protocols for standardized measurement of terrestrial invertebrate functional traits. Functional Ecology 31: 558–567. pdf
- Fišer C, Konec M, Alther R, Švara V & Altermatt F. 2017. Taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological diversity of Niphargus (Amphipoda: Crustacea) in the Hölloch cave system (Switzerland). Systematics and Biodiversity 15: 218–237. pdf
- Alther R, Fišer C & Altermatt F. 2017. Description of a widely distributed but overlooked amphipod species in the European Alps. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179: 751–766. pdf
- Harvey, Gounand I, Ward C & Altermatt F. 2017. Bridging ecology and conservation: from ecological networks to ecosystem function. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 371–379. pdf
- Gallien L, Altermatt F, Wiemers M, Schweiger O & Zimmermann NE. 2017. Invasive plants threaten the least mobile butterflies in Switzerland. Diversity and Distributions 23: 185–195. pdf
- Legrand D, Cote J, Fronhofer EA, Holt RD, Ronce O, Schtickzelle N, Travis JMJ & Clobert J. 2017. Eco-Evolutionary dynamics in fragmented landscapes. Ecography 40: 9–25. pdf
- Harvey E, Gounand I, Ganesanandamoorthy P & Altermatt F. 2016. Spatially cascading effect of perturbations in experimental meta-ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 283: 20161496. pdf F1000Prime
- Leese F, Altermatt F, Bouchez A, Ekrem T, Hering D, Meissner K, Mergen P, Pawlowski J, Piggott JJ, Rimet F, Steinke D, Taberlet P, Weigand AM, Abarenkov K, Beja P, Bervoets L, Björnsdóttir S, Boets P, Boggero A, Bones AM, Borja Á, Bruce K, Bursić V, Carlsson J, Čiampor F, Čiamporová-Zatovičová Z, Coissac E, Costa F, Costache M, Creer S, Csabai Z, Deiner K, DelValls Á, Drakare S, Duarte S, Eleršek T, Fazi S, Fišer C, Flot J-F, Fonseca V, Fontaneto D, Grabowski M, Graf W, Guðbrandsson J, Hellström M, Hershkovitz Y, Hollingsworth P, Japoshvili B, Jones JI, Kahlert M, Stroil BK, Kasapidis P, Kelly MG, Kelly-Quinn M, Keskin E, Kõljalg U, Ljubešić Z, Maček I, Mächler E, Mahon A, Marečková M, Mejdandzic M, Mircheva G, Montagna M, Moritz C, Mulk V, Naumoski A, Navodaru I, Padisák J, Pálsson S, Panksep K, Penev L, Petrusek A, Pfannkuchen MA, Primmer CR, Rinkevich B, Rotter AM, Schmidt-Kloiber , Segurado P, Speksnijder A, Stoev P, Strand M, Šulčius S, Sundberg P, Traugott M, Tsigenopoulos C, Turon X, Valentini A, van der Hoorn B, Várbíró G, Hadjilyra MIV, Viguri J, Vitonytė I, Vogler A, Vrålstad T, Wägele W, Wenne R, Winding A, Woodward G, Zegura B & Zimmermann J. 2016. DNAqua-Net: Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe. Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e11321 pdf
- Jackson MC, Weyl OLF, Altermatt F, Durance I, Friberg N, Dumbrell AJ, Piggott JJ, Tiegs SD, Tockner K, Krig CB, Leadley PW & Woodward G. 2016. Recommendations for the next generation of global freshwater biological monitoring tools. Advances in Ecological Research 55: 615–636. pdf
- Deiner K, Fronhofer EA, Mächler E, Walser J-C & Altermatt F. 2016. Environmental DNA reveals that rivers are conveyer belts of biodiversity information. Nature Communications 7:12544. pdf
- Stamm C, Räsänen K, Burdon F, Altermatt F, Jokela J, Joss A, Ackermann M & Eggen RIL. 2016. Unraveling the impacts of micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems: interdisciplinary studies at the interface of large-scale ecology. Advances in Ecological Research 55: 183–223. pdf
- Seymour M, Seppälä K, Mächler, E & Altermatt F. 2016. Lessons from the macroinvertebrates: species-genetic diversity correlations highlight important dissimilar relationships. Freshwater Biology 61: 1819–1829. pdf
- Beck J, Liedtke C, Widler S, Altermatt F, Loader S, Hagmann R, Lang S & Fiedler K. 2016. Patterns or mechanisms? Bergmann’s and Rapoport’s rule in moths along an elevational gradient. Community Ecology 17:137–148. pdf
- Altermatt F, Alther R & Mächler E. 2016. Spatial patterns of genetic diversity, community composition and occurrence of native and non-native amphipods in naturally replicated tributary streams. BMC Ecology 16: 23. pdf
- Creer S, Deiner K, Frey S, Porazinska D, Taberlet P, Thomas WK, Potter C & Bik H. 2016. The ecologist’s field guide to sequence-based identification of biodiversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 1008–1018. pdf
- Altermatt F & Ebert D. 2016. Reduced flight-to-light behaviour of moth populations exposed to long-term urban light pollution. Biology Letters 12: 20160111. pdf highlighted in Science
- Kaelin K & Altermatt F. 2016. Landscape-level predictions of diversity in river networks reveal opposing patterns for different groups of macroinvertebrates. Aquatic Ecology 50: 283–295. pdf
- Bertuzzo E, Carrara F, Mari L, Altermatt F, Rodriguez-Iturbe I & Rinaldo A. 2016. Geomorphic controls on elevational gradients of species richness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 1737-1742. pdf F1000Prime
- Eisenring M, Altermatt F, Westram AM & Jokela J. 2016. Habitat requirements and ecological niche of two cryptic amphipod species at landscape and local scales. Ecosphere 7: e01319. pdf
- Mächler E, Deiner K, Spahn F & Altermatt F. 2016. Fishing in the water: effect of sampled water volume on environmental DNA-based detection of macroinvertebrates. Environmental Science & Technology 50: 305–312. pdf
- Seymour M, Deiner K & Altermatt F. 2016. Scale and scope matter when explaining varying patterns of community diversity in riverine metacommunities. Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 134–144. pdf
- Concepeción ED, Obrist MK, Moretti M, Altermatt F, Baur B & Nobis MP. 2016. Impacts of urban sprawl on species richness of plants, butterflies, gastropods and birds: not only built-up area matters. Urban Ecosystems 19: 225–242. pdf
- Fronhofer EA, Klecka J, Melian CJ & Altermatt F. 2015. Condition-dependent movement and dispersal in experimental metacommunities. Ecology Letters 18: 954–963. pdf F1000 Prime
- Giometto A, Altermatt F, Maritan A, Stocker, R, Rinaldo A. 2015. Generalized receptor law governs phototaxis in the phytoplankton Euglena gracilis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112: 7045–7050. pdf
- Petchey OL, Pontarp M, Massie TM, Kéfi S, Ozgul A, Weilenmann M, Palamara GM, Altermatt F, Matthews BJ, Levine JM, Childs DZ, McGill BJ, Schaepman ME, Schmid B, Spaak P, Beckerman AP, Pennekamp F & Pearse IS. 2015. The Ecological Forecast Horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters 18: 597–611. pdf
- Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2015. Eco-evolutionary feedbacks during experimental range expansions. Nature Communications 6:6844. pdf
- Carrara F, Giometto A, Seymour M, Rinaldo A & Altermatt F. 2015. Inferring species interactions in ecological communities: a comparison of methods at different levels of complexity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 895–906. pdf
- Fišer Ž, Altermatt F, Zakšek V, Knapič T & C Fišer. 2015. Morphologically cryptic amphipod species are “ecological clones” at regional but not at local scale: a case study of four Niphargus species. PLoS One 10: e0134384. pdf
- Heino J, Melo A, Bini LM, Altermatt F, Al-Shami SA, Angeler DG, Bonada N, Brand C, Callisto C, Cottenie C, Dangles O, Dudgeon D, Encalada A, Göthe E, Grönroos M, Hamada N, Jacobsen D, Landeiro V, Ligeiro R, Martins R, Miserendino ML, Md Rawi CS, Rodrigues M, Roque F, Sandin L, Schmera D, Sgarbi L, Simaika J, Siqueira T, Thompson RM & Townsend CR. 2015. A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1235–1248. pdf
- Pearse I & Altermatt F. 2015. Out of sample predictions from plant-insect food webs: robustness to missing and erroneous trophic interaction records. Ecological Applications 25: 1953–1961. pdf
- Seymour M, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F. 2015. Dendritic network structure and dispersal affect temporal dynamics of diversity and species persistence. Oikos 124: 908-916. pdf
- Concepción ED, Moretti M, Altermatt F, Nobis MP, Obrist MK. 2015. Impacts of urbanisation on biodiversity: the role of species mobility, degree of specialisation and spatial scale. Oikos 124: 1571–1582. pdf
- Fronhofer EA, Kropf T, Altermatt F. 2015. Density-dependent movement and the consequences of the Allee effect in the model organism Tetrahymena. Journal of Animal Ecology: 84:712–722. pdf
- Carrara F, Giometto A, Seymour M, Rinaldo A & Altermatt F. 2015. Experimental evidence for strong stabilizing forces at high functional diversity of aquatic microbial communities. Ecology 96: 1340–1350. pdf
- Altermatt, F, Fronhofer EA, Garnier A, Giometto A, Hammes F, Klecka J, Legrand D, Mächler E, Massie TM, Pennekamp F, Plebani M, Pontarp M, Schtickzelle N, Thuillier V & Petchey OL. 2015. Big answers from small worlds: a user’s guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 218–231. pdf All supplementary protocols to download as pdf and online
- Deiner K, Mächler E, Walser JC & Altermatt F. 2015. Choice of capture and extraction methods affect detection of freshwater biodiversity from environmental DNA. Biological Conservation 183: 53–63. pdf
- Melián CJ, Křivan V, Altermatt F, Starý P, Pellissier L & De Laender F. 2015. Dispersal Dynamics in Food Webs. American Naturalist 185: 157–168. pdf F1000Prime
- Reigada C, Schreiber S, Altermatt F & Holyoak M 2015. Metapopulation dynamics on ephemeral patches. American Naturalist 185: 183–195. pdf F1000Prime
- Altermatt, F., R. Alther, C. Fišer, J. Jokela, M. Konec, D. Küry, E. Mächler, P. Stucki, and A. M. Westram. 2014. Diversity and distribution of freshwater amphipod species in Switzerland (Crustacea: Amphipoda). PLoS ONE 9(10): e110328. pdf
- Mächler E, Deiner K, Steinmann P and Altermatt F. 2014. Utility of environmental DNA for monitoring rare and indicator macroinvertebrate species. Freshwater Science 33: 1174–1183. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2014. Die Nachtfalterfauna (Lepidoptera) in den Feuchtgebieten um den Pfäffikersee (ZH). Entomo Helvetica 7: 43–53. pdf
- Seymour M & Altermatt F. 2014. Active colonization dynamics and diversity patterns are influenced by dendritic network connectivity and species interactions. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1243–1254. pdf
- Deiner K & Altermatt F. 2014. Transport distance of invertebrate environmental DNA in a natural river. PLoS One 9(2): e88786. pdf
- Giometto A, Rinaldo A, Carrara F, and Altermatt F. 2014. Emerging predictable features of replicated biological invasion fronts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111: 297–301. pdf
- Carrara F, Rinaldo A, Giometto A and Altermatt F. 2014. Complex interaction of dendritic connectivity and hierarchical patch size on biodiversity in river-like landscapes. American Naturalist 183: 13–25. pdf Recipient of the 2015 American Naturalist Student Paper Award
- Altermatt F, Seymour M and Martinez N. 2013. River network properties shape α-diversity and community similarity patterns of aquatic insect communities across major drainage basins. Journal of Biogeography 40: 2249–2260. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2013. Diversity in riverine metacommunities: a network perspective. Aquatic Ecology 47: 365–377. pdf
- Pearse* IS and Altermatt* F. 2013. Predicting novel trophic interactions in a non-native world. Ecology Letter 16: 1088–1094. pdf *equal contribution
- Pearse* IS and Altermatt* F. 2013. Extinction cascades underestimate observed herbivore losses in a complete Lepidoptera-plant food web. Ecology 94: 1785–1794. pdf *equal contribution
- Giometto A, Altermatt F, Carrara F, Maritan A and Rinaldo A. 2013. Scaling body size fluctuations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110: 4646–4650. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2012. Temperature-related shifts in butterfly phenology depend on the habitat. Global Change Biology 18: 2429–2438. pdf
- Carrara F*, Altermatt F*, Rodriguez-Iturbe I and A Rinaldo. 2012. Dendritic connectivity controls biodiversity patterns in experimental metacommunities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 5761–5766.pdf F1000Prime *equal contribution
- Altermatt F. 2012. Metacommunity dynamics. In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press, 24 May 2012. online here
- Altermatt F and M Holyoak. 2012 Spatial clustering of habitat structure effects patterns of community composition and diversity. Ecology 93: 1125–1133. pdf
- O’Connor M, Selig ER, Pinsky M and F Altermatt 2012. Toward a conceptual synthesis for climate change responses. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 693–703. pdf
- Altermatt F, Bieger A and SG Morgan. 2012. Habitat characteristics and metapopulation dynamics of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 468: 85–93. pdf
- Mächler E and Altermatt F. 2012. Interaction of species traits and environmental disturbance predicts invasion success of aquatic microorganisms. PLoS One 7: e45400. pdf
- Altermatt F* and IS Pearse*. 2011. Similarity and specialization of the larval versus adult diet of European butterflies and moths. The American Naturalist 178: 372–382. pdf *equal contribution
- Altermatt F, Bieger A, Carrara F, Rinaldo A and M Holyoak. 2011. Effects of connectivity and recurrent local disturbances on community structure and population density in experimental metacommunities. PLoS One 6: e19525. pdf
- Altermatt F, Schreiber S and M Holyoak. 2011. Interactive effects of disturbance and dispersal directionality on species richness and composition in metacommunities. Ecology 92: 859–870. pdf
- Stalling T, Bartsch D, Garrevoet T, Lingenhöle A and F Altermatt. 2011. Bembecia hissorensis, a new species of Clearwing moths from Tajikistan, Central Asia (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 121: 196–172. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2010. Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you when you fly: diet can predict phenological changes in response to climate change. Ecology Letters 13: 1475–1484. pdf
- Altermatt F and Ebert D. 2010. Populations in small, ephemeral habitat patches may drive dynamics in a Daphnia magna metapopulation. Ecology 91: 2975–2982. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2010. Climatic warming increases voltinism in European butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 277: 1281–1287. pdf
- Beck J, Altermatt F, Hagmann R and S Lang. 2010. Seasonality in the altitude–diversity pattern of Alpine moths. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 714–722. pdf
- Stalling T, Altermatt F, Lingenhöle A and T Garrevoet. 2010. A new species of Bembecia Hübner, [1819] from Tajikistan, Central Asia (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 120: 249–250. pdf
- Altermatt F, Pajunen VI and D Ebert. 2009. Desiccation of rock pool habitats and its influence on population persistence in a Daphnia metacommunity. PLoS One 4: e4703. pdf
- Altermatt F, Baumeyer A and D Ebert. 2009. Experimental evidence for male biased flight-to-light behavior in two moth species. Entomologica Experimentalis et Applicata 130: 259–265. pdf
- Altermatt F and D Ebert. 2008. Genetic diversity of Daphnia magna populations enhances resistance to parasites. Ecology Letters 11: 918–928. pdf
- Altermatt F, Pajunen IV and D Ebert. 2008. Climate change affects colonisation dynamics in a metacommunity of three Daphnia species. Global Change Biology 14: 1209–1220. pdf F1000Prime
- Altermatt F and D Ebert. 2008. The influence of habitat size and habitat stability on the production of the resting and migration stage in a Daphnia metapopulation. Oecologia 157: 441–452. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2008. A new species of Agdistis Hübner [1825] from Tajikistan, Central Asia (Pterophoridae). Nota Lepidopterologica 31: 65–68. pdf
- Altermatt F, Birrer S, Plattner M, Ramseier P and T Stalling. 2008. Erste Resultate zu den Tagfaltern im Biodiversitätsmonitoring Schweiz. Entomo Helvetica 1: 75–84. pdf
- Ebert D, Altermatt F and S Lass. 2007. A short term benefit for outcrossing in a Daphnia metapopulation in relation to parasitism. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 4: 777–785. pdf
- Altermatt F, Hottinger J and D Ebert. 2007. Parasites promote gene flow in a metapopulation. Evolutionary Ecology 21: 561–575. pdf
- Altermatt F and D Ebert. 2007. The genotype specific competitive ability does not correlate with infection in natural Daphnia magna populations. PLoS One 2 (12): e1280. pdf
- Altermatt F and D Burckhardt. 2007. Beitrag zur Schmetterlingsfauna des Aletschgebietes (Wallis). Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel 57: 50–67. pdf
2006 and before
- Altermatt F. 2006. Short note on the first record of Lymantria atlantica on Elba (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 27: 95–96. pdf
- Altermatt F. 2003. Potential negative effects of atmospheric CO-enrichment on insect communities in the canopy of a mature deciduous forest in Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 76: 191–199. pdf
- Altermatt F, Fritsch D, Whitebread S and A Erhardt. 2003. Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera). In Burckhardt D, Baur B & Studer A (Ed.): Fauna und Flora auf dem Eisenbahngelände im Norden Basels. Basel, Monographien der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel 1: 118–132.
- Altermatt F. 2001. Beobachtungen von Nektarpflanzen bei Schmetterlingen (Lepidoptera). Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel 51: 15–24.
- Coray A, Altermatt F, Birrer S, Buser H, Jäggi C, Reiss T and M Schläpfer. 2000. Verbreitung, Habitat und Erscheinungsformen des Erdbockkäfers Dorcadion fuliginator (L.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in der Umgebung von Basel. Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel 50: 42–73.