Interested in our work? Looking for a MSc or PhD project?
I am always looking for creative and motivated students who want to work in my lab (see also “Positions“). You are expected to develop an independent research project within the lab’s general research focus. You will be part of a highly interactive group and profit from the group’s experience in experimental and theoretical work. People who are interested in testing fundamental ecological concepts and people with a naturalist’s background are especially welcome.
The Altermatt lab is based both at the University of Zurich and Eawag.
Please contact me at:
Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt
Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Department of Aquatic Ecology
Überlandstrasse 133,
CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Email: florian.altermatt [@]
Email2: florian.altermatt [@]
Phone: +41( 0) 58 765 55 92